Quick Help

For the contact phone number you may enter a DSN, a commercial or a cell phone number. Please be as specific as possible when describing your event.

Note reoccurring dates in the Event/Program Details section; specify if the event occurs daily, weekly or monthly.

Not an FSS Facility?
Please contact the Force Support Marketing Department at DSN (660) 687 - 7929 for print & promotion rates prior to submitting this form.

Required fields are marked with *.

Marketing Requests
are due three months in advance of the event date. Any marketing items submitted with less than 30 days until the event will receive digital marketing only.

Sponsorship Requests
should be submitted at LEAST three months prior to the event. Requests submitted after this deadline are not guaranteed to be granted. Only FSS facilities are eligible to receive commercial sponsorship. Not all sponsorship requests will be granted. Large impact events take priority.

(Please click here in order to fill in the Sponsorship Request Form Please fill it out and send it to the Sponsorship coordinator.

Print Shop
prices to our website.

(Please click here for a Print Shop Prices)

Submit a Ticket

Five Week Lead Time

Marketing requires a minimum of five weeks to complete a work request. If you wait to submit pertinent information over a period of time, the two-week processing time will restart from the date of your last submission of information.

Any work requests submitted with less than two weeks for completion require approval from the FSS Deputy Director and marketing director.

General Information
Please be specific. (Publication, display, distribution etc.)
Further Details
Date required must be at least ten business days for submission. If your date required is within ten business days, submit a rush order by clicking on the "Submit Marketing Request Ticket" button on the homepage and then selecting "Rush Order" on the following page. Turnaround times of less than ten business days may be charged a $10 rush fee or more.”
Which of these is not an animal: chicken, spider, shirt
Before submitting please make sure of the following
  • All necessary information has been filled out.
  • All information is correct and error-free.
  • If this request is not submitted by an FSS facility; I understand this is a fee based service.
We have:
  • recorded as your IP Address
  • recorded the time of your submission

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